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Architects of the future

Architects of the Future

People of Architects of the future - 2012

The Architects of the Future are a worldwide community of young and inspired social entrepreneurs who realize their dream of a better world by bringing successful social businesses to life.

By linking their awareness for integrated thinking to successful entrepreneurship and combining social warmth with social commitment, the Architects of the Future act as forerunners of a new economy.


The Waldzell Institute and the Architects of the Future work hand in hand for a conscious economy that is moved and inspired by the wish for a continuous inner and outer progress of humanity, based on social harmony and sustainability.

The Architects of the Future concentrate their work on social and ecological problems and help finding solutions where economy and politics have none. They are inspiring role-models for all those who are aiming for a meaningful and productive life.

Following the initiative’s foundation in the context of the Waldzell Meetings in 2005, “Architects of the Future” has grown to become a substantial global transformational force that not only advocates a profound transformation of society, but also acknowledges that change can only start within one’s own inner self.

At present the community comprises over 90 members world-wide.


If you want to become part of the „Architects of the Future“ community, please send your application with CV with photo, description of your project and your motivation to become a member of the community to office@architectsofthefuture.net.

© Waldzell 2021
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The Waldzell Leadership Institute

The Waldzell Meetings established a platform for visionaries who deal with questions beyond our daily-life concerns to develop a more holistic view of the world. The Waldzell Leadership Institute translates this idea in concrete programs for leaders and corporations.
We are pioneers in delivering an ancient science which provides lifestyle, technology and strategies to be able to navigate successfully through the demanding life of a leader in difficult times.