Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
Master of the Kriya Yoga, President of the Prajnana Mission
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda is the current spiritual leader of the Kriya Yoga International Organization. Kriya Yoga is an ancient system of meditation. Born in the village of Pattamundai, Orissa on the 10th of August, 1960, he was raised in a profound spiritual environment that inspired his search for truth. He received his higher education in Cuttack and became a professor of economics there. In 1980, while still a student, he met his spiritual master, Paramahamsa Hariharananda, who initiated him into Kriya Yoga, then fi fteen years later, into the sacred path of sannyas. After only three years, at the early age of 39, his master conferred upon him the highest title of Paramahamsa, a designation reserved for monks who have attained the summit of realization. A truly powerful and extremely loving teacher, author, and speaker on world religions, well-versed in scriptures of the East and West, he combines a deep compassion for humanity with his love for God and his mastery of complex philosophical thoughts. The power of his teachings lies in their simplicity and direct relevance to our lives.
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda teaches only one lesson: the lesson of love. Through not only the study of the scriptures, and the practice of meditation, but through every action and every breath, he urges us to realize our full potential through basic self- discipline and the practice of simple yogic principles. In addition to running the main ashrams in Puri, Cuttack, Vienna, and Miami, he holds seminars and retreats all over the world. The Prajnana Mission provides service to humanity through many charitable and educational activities such as free medical centers and a residential school for poor and underprivileged children.
Waldzell Speakers
The Waldzell meetings were dedicated to creating an interdisciplinary dialogue with inspiring speakers