The woman is the embodiment of the creative power of God, Shakti. She represents the feminine aspect of God through whom (S)HE created creation. This primal force is called the Adi Shakti and has been worshiped for centuries in the form of various goddesses. All woman and men have this divine power in their own being and she is waiting to be brought to light.
The archetype of the Divine Mother and the Holy Female is as old as time, deeply embedded in every cell of a woman's body. The Holy Female, embodied in and through women, is the essence of wholeness; and the more we honor our sovereignty as a woman - our Adi Shakti - the more we can offer her to the world for the benefit of all.
"The noble woman is the goddess worshiped by almighty God.
She is the altar to which God bows. It is the grace that brings forth God's soul. She is the ultimate infinity of all virtues. The noble woman is the power of all goodness and the blessing of God, she is the essence of all prayer. "
Yogi Bhajan