John F. Demartini

International renowned speaker, founder of the Demartini Institute, Author After a brief encounter with a 93 year old wise man who believed with certainty in his limitless potential, Dr. John F. Demartini made a decision that would change the course of his life forever. Only seventeen years old at the time, living on the streets and recovering from a near death experience, he made a commitment to dedicate his life to the understanding of universal laws as they relate to healing and human potential. As a result, he has spent the past 35 years avidly researching over 260 different disciplines, ranging from psychology to cosmology, economics to sociology, biology to theology.
In 1988 Dr. John F. Demartini founded the Demartini Institute, a private research, education and service institution, dedicated to exploring and expanding the frontiers of human awareness and potential. Today he is the author of over forty books, published in up to seven different languages, and has created over 72 different courses. All designed to assist the individual to maximise their awareness and potential in all areas of life. Internationally Dr. John F. Demartini is synonymous with ‘The Demartini Method®’, a method of personal transformation designed to reduce stress, resolve conflict and open the heart and mind to a new way of viewing human psychology. Derived from a study of Quantum Physics, ‘The Demartini Method®’ is now being studied in a number of universities and presented to psychologists, health professionals and U.N. delegates all over the world.
Waldzell Speakers
The Waldzell meetings were dedicated to creating an interdisciplinary dialogue with inspiring speakers